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Signature verification

This documentation is useful for both webhook receivers and webhook senders!

In order to increase security of webhooks, all webhooks sent through are signed.

The key used to sign the webhooks must be provided by you (the one receiving webhook messages). See the Keys resource on how to create a signing key.

Signature header

The Wh-Uno-Signature HTTP header contains the webhook message signature and also the timestamp of when the webhook was sent.

Note: If you prefer to learn by example, try skipping to the next section below.

The Wh-Uno-Signature header contains a number followed by a comma, followed by a string. For example:

Wh-Uno-Signature: 1635593264,0cb72fd0f767fb0e3bcf6314f94dd21c6ac5327d36b4146e582aa8d7543913f3

To verify the signature, you should perform the following algorithm:

  1. Let header be the contents of the Wh-Uno-Signature HTTP header
  2. Find the , (comma) symbol within header
  3. Let timestamp be the content before the comma
  4. Let signature be the content after the comma
  5. Let current_time be the current UNIX time
  6. Let skew = abs(current_time - timestamp)
  7. If skew is above a certain threshold (see below), stop processing and consider the webhook message as invalid
  8. Let request_body be the body (unparsed) of the HTTP request
  9. Let signed_payload be the concatenation of timestamp, plus . (a dot), plus request_body
  10. Let calculated_signature be the lowercase hexadecimal representation of the HMAC of signed_payload. The hashing algorithm should be the one specified in the kind attribute of the Key object associated with the Subscription that is calling this HTTP endpoint
  11. If calculated_signature and signature are different, stop processing and consider the webhook message as invalid. Otherwise, you're good to go!

A few notes:

  • If the comma (,) symbol is not present or present more than once in header, the webhook message is invalid and should be discarded.
  • The threshold for skew would ideally be zero, but both clock drift and the time to perform the HTTP request have to be taken into account. A skew of a few second or a few minutes should generally be good enough.
  • For the timestamp (and thus skew): this is the time when the webhook is actually sent, not when it was enqueued to be sent. This also means that if multiple delivery retries are performed, each tentative will have a different timestamp (the time of the tentative).

Security considerations

It is up to you to implement the signature verification, but it is a good practice as it allows you to check whether the HTTP request actually came from the original source without relying on things like origin IP address or other shenanigans.

Ensure the value of timestamp (see step 3 of the algorithm above) is within a reasonable time protects you against replay attacks. This occurs when an attacker is able to intercept a webhook request along with its signature (but not the signing key) and then tries to perform that request against your server again in a later point in time. Since the timestamp value is used to calculate the signature, the attacker cannot change it, otherwise the signatures would not match.

Using a lower threshold for skew (see step 7 of the algorithm above) gives a tighter window where an attacker could conduct a successful attack. However, a value too low for skew would possibly allow for false negatives when checking the signature.

Reference implementations

Below are reference implementations in Python and in Ruby on how to verify the webhook signature.

The code for both are structured in a way to work with AWS Lambda functions invoked through AWS API Gateway in lambda proxy mode. Do not worry if you're not familiar with that as it should be fairly simple to understand:

Whenever an HTTP request comes in, the lambda_handler function is called. The event parameter is a Hash (ruby) or a dict (Python) with two relevant keys:

  • headers, which contains all HTTP headers
  • body, which contains the raw (or unparsed) body of the request

The context attribute is not used in these examples, thus it's not relevant.

It's relevant to notice that they use the key 8RtxqPJdBuiB3nqLzc6ww0lvYrBPW7BgFp/r97sIur6cyU5Sbs+7fub6zWs2HneSy2pwx0MZH9SZRZVdg/6WxQ==. To create that key, you would perform a POST request to <WEBHOOKS_UNO_URL>/keys with the following payload:

"data": {
"name": "some_key_name",
"kind": "hmac_sha256",
"content": "8RtxqPJdBuiB3nqLzc6ww0lvYrBPW7BgFp/r97sIur6cyU5Sbs+7fub6zWs2HneSy2pwx0MZH9SZRZVdg/6WxQ=="


import hmac
import base64

def lambda_handler(event, context):
# The signing key as when used to create the Key object
# This must be kept secret!
sign_key = '8RtxqPJdBuiB3nqLzc6ww0lvYrBPW7BgFp/r97sIur6cyU5Sbs+7fub6zWs2HneSy2pwx0MZH9SZRZVdg/6WxQ=='

# The signing key, but in its binary form
decoded_sign_key = base64.b64decode(sign_key)

# The webhook signature header, in the Wh-Uno-Signature HTTP header
signature_header = event['headers']['Wh-Uno-Signature']

# The webhook signature header contains two informations:
# 1. wh_timestamp: The UNIX timestamp of when the webhook was dispatched
# 2. wh_signature: The actual webhook signed payload signature
wh_timestamp, wh_signature = signature_header.split(",")

# The whole body of the request
webhook_body = bytes(event['body'], 'utf8')

# The data on which the signature will be calculated upon.
# To calculate the signature, the timestamp of when the webhook was sent
# is included to mitigate aginst replay attacks
signed_payload = bytes(wh_timestamp + '.', 'ascii') + webhook_body

# This is the actual signed payload signature. Here, sha256 is used
# because the "kind" attribute of the Key was "hmac_sha256"
payload_signature_digest = hmac.digest(decoded_sign_key, signed_payload, 'sha256')

# Compares the calculated signature with the received signature. If they do match,
# we know the webhook came from the original source. Otherwise, this is a forged
# request and must be discarded.
valid_signature = hmac.compare_digest(payload_signature_digest.hex(), wh_signature)

if valid_signature:
print('Digest = ' + payload_signature_digest.hex())
print('The signature is good!')
print('The webhook signature is invalid! This webhook will be discarded.')

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': ''


require 'base64'
require 'openssl'

def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
# The signing key as when used to create the Key object
# This must be kept secret!
sign_key = 'AGYJihkaUOqdg3vkzqQ4/GX0yi6XABzzEKHi/iXobDM='

# The signing key, but in its binary form
decoded_sign_key = Base64.strict_decode64(sign_key)

# The webhook signature header, in the Wh-Uno-Signature HTTP header
signature_header = event['headers']['Wh-Uno-Signature']

# The webhook signature header contains two informations:
# 1. wh_timestamp: The UNIX timestamp of when the webhook was dispatched
# 2. wh_signature: The actual webhook signed payload signature
wh_timestamp, wh_signature = signature_header.split(",")

# The whole body of the request
webhook_body = event['body']

# Calculates the payload signature. The signature is based on the request
# body and the timestamp when the webhook was sent (to mitigate against replay attacks).
# The "sha256" algorithm is used because the "kind" attribute of the Key was
# set to "hmac_sha256".
hmac =,"sha256"))
hmac << wh_timestamp
hmac << '.'
hmac << webhook_body
payload_signature = hmac.hexdigest

# Compares the calculated signature with the received signature. If they do match,
# we know the webhook came from the original source. Otherwise, this is a forged
# request and must be discarded.
valid_signature = (wh_signature == payload_signature)

if valid_signature
puts("Digest = #{payload_signature}")
puts('The signature is good!')
puts('The webhook signature is invalid! This webhook will be discarded.')

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': ''

{ statusCode: 200, body: "" }